Why are paint and panel shops subject to Location Compliance Certificates?
Paint and Panel Shops are subject to Compliance certification because:
They hold quantities of hazardous substances above threshold quantities.
Here are the threshold quantities that trigger Location Compliance Certification:
Class 2.1.1A LPG 100 kg
Class 3.1B solvents/paints 100 L in closed containers of more than 5 L per container
Class 3.1B solvents/paints 250 L in closed containers of less than 5 L per container
Class 3.1C solvents/paints 500 L in closed containers of more than 5 L per container
Class 3.1C solvents/paints 1500 L in closed containers of less than 5 L per container
Class 5.1.2A Oxygen 200 m3 permanent gas
Paint and Panel Shops are not subject to Compliance certification because:
They have a spray booth (Open or closed)
They have tunnel operation booths
They have a mixing bench
They have a gun-wash
They have a solvent recovery machine
You can see that certification is about hazardous substances and the quantity held on site.